Susan Holloway


Susan Holloway is the Director of Outreach & Attendance for Pearland Independent School District. She provides district leadership to the dropout prevention and recovery program, works with the district Homeless Liaison to provide resources and services, and works with the district Attendance Officers and Case Managers to provide truancy prevention and enforcement programs. She collaborates with parents, the district PEIMS data office, as well as the campus Registrars, Attendance Clerks, and Counselors. Holloway also previously served as the district liaison for children in foster care as well as homeless and unaccompanied youth. She is a member of the Gulf Coast Homeless Coalition, Texas Homeless Network, Texas Association for Truancy & Dropout Prevention (TATDP) serving as President since 2017. Holloway holds a BSE degree in teaching from Arkansas State University, a master’s degree in counseling and guidance from Louisiana Tech University, and a Texas Principal Certification. She has served as a teacher, coach, counselor and administrator for over 30 years and is committed to her belief that educators are servant-leaders.